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blizzard warnings - 13:52 , 03 October 2013

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08 June 2006 - 23:02

reports and reporters

Still working on the dear deer reports...

Would help if I didn't have to do some of these over and over. But we have so much duplication between databases and reports, you change one number in one system, and all of a sudden you've got four pages to regenerate there, and five reports in the other database that have to be reprinted.

Some pages were reprinted four times today. Really. Literally.

Pain in butt.

More fun was the call from a local reporter. More truthfully, a local apprentice reporter. Our outfit had a statewide news release on last fall's hunt, and naturally the local newspaper would like to know how our county fits into the big story.

So naturally, they assign the brand new reporter to call. I'm pretty sure the publisher does this on purpose. I've been answering these sorts of queries for so long, I've got a fair idea what he wants.

And these new reporters he keeps sending my way, many new to the state, most with no hunting or wildlife experience at all...

I'm pretty sure he's using me to break them in. Cut their teeth on an easy story, basically.

As I'm explaining the basics to the young gal (Harvest? That's how many the hunters killed.), I kindly ask how she got this assignment.

"From my editor."

Oh? So Chuck sent you to me?

"No, Dave P__"

He's not your editor, he's your publisher.

Yep. She must be new.

And just 'cause I've got it ready, a shot of our local Aspen Alley, from our flight two weeks ago.

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