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blizzard warnings - 13:52 , 03 October 2013

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03 May 2002 - 23:03

close to town

Still needed to finish monthly reports today, so we stayed close to town for lek surveys this morning.

It is still a little surprising every time I meet a long-term resident of this place who tells me they have never seen sage grouse strut. Latest was the service station owner, who has lived here for at least 40 years.

You can find sage grouse strutting with just a seven or eight mile drive from town.

Like we did today.

Then a quick drop to the other side of the interstate to check several other leks that are within 15 miles of town. First time I've been south of the interstate since, I believe, November (other than the short jaunt down to retrieve the warden with the broken truck).

Interesting how different the country feels to the south. We're in the same geological formation, the same veg types, same elevations. But the view to the north is the desert, wide, flat and dry. To the south, we are looking at low mountains with pockets of aspen and remnant banks of snow. And those different horizons affect the mood of the land.

It feels different.

The grouse were cooperative, still sitting on most of the leks where they were expected, strutting fairly late into the morning. The heeler sisters got several runs, one of which spooked a coyote into running for the high ground. But they never saw it.

Nobody strutting on Scotty's Peak lek, though. Too late in the morning.

But got home in time to do paperwork. Put the reports in the mail at 17:00. Then went over to scout the auction items with the wife.

Quite an auction. Auctioneer says it's about half the collection from a couple friends of ours. A little concerned that they're selling off so much stuff. Are they in financial trouble? (Unlikely.) Or preparing to relocate to a warmer clime?

But a few things we're interested in. Anybody else want the bag of mink feet? Or the old snowshoes, with only one set of bindings?

Lots of old semi-antique furniture, glassware, brass, and yes, firearms, so I suspect there will be a crowd. And hence few bargains. But we already have our number, so I guess we'll go.

And I need to find some leks close to town again, for tomorrow morning. And some sleep tonight...

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