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2001-06-28 - 12:08 a.m.

phone books and chromosomes

The phone books are done!

The whole freakin' town. If I did my math right, about 6,000 books. And as the wife pointed out, our name was on about half of town (probably an exageration... maybe 45%?). Had a bunch of helpful, friendly folks out yesterday and today, and the work went fast and fun.

Except for grumbling by my two sons and wife's godson. They have a case. Seven evenings they spent on this project, one we didn't want to do.

No one else spent more than three evenings.

And Mr. Volunteer? The one who wanted us to do this fund raiser so much, and then went on vacation?

Two evenings.

Wife was still grumbling. He may be sorry.

Oh, and he was supposed to go on this week long camp starting on Sunday, too, and just copped out yesterday. Fortunately, we can cover for him.

And a thought I had today as I was driving in to deliver books. I had a Google hit for "humans with 48 chromosomes."

Who searches for such a thing? What are you looking for?

"Humans with 47 chromosomes" I could understand. That would be different and interesting to read. And there are actually some members of our species running around out there with 49 chromosomes. I could understand searching for that.

But searching for "humans with 48 chromosomes" is like searching for "humans with skin", or "humans who breathe." There isn't much it doesn't cover, and probably little written about it.

The only other thought is somebody was actually looking for my entry where I used that phrase, and they didn't remember where they read it.


But here's a hint folks. It will thin your searches down if you add the word "diaryland" to your google.

That's what I do.

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