Comments about this entry :

Deb - 2003-02-27 13:57:06
You're kidding, right. Admittedly all I can get is the thumbnail (the link is a bit wonked too) but really all I see is one long blur of brown, with a few discrete specks on the end.
trinity63 - 2003-02-27 14:15:53
I counted 146 and NO I am not going to classify them for you -- I am leaving you SOMETHING to do:) Trin
Melissa - 2003-02-27 20:50:11
128? (There was possibly one more). Kinda hard at this res... Please tell me they're bigger in the binoculars... (Does it make me a dork to admit that this was pretty fun?)
Pandionna - 2003-02-27 22:54:27
I'm with Melissa. Between 120 and 130. In there somewhere.
Mayhem - 2003-02-28 00:13:43
Well think I came up with 128. Not being into matchmaking between elk I am not going to try to split everything out. Heck, I am figuring it is a good day if you have photographic evidence! Another good sign of spring for me is my niece's ewe lambed 2 healthy ewe lambs. We are so not livestock people. She named the mom Lucky after selling her in auction and having her given back to her after sale so she could be kept in the breeding program for FFA!
sylvery - 2003-02-28 08:04:11
Whoa...I must not have very sharp eyes; I only came up with 106 or so. I could definitely tell that some were smaller than others, but .. I didn't go back and sort them out. I hope you'll let us know your count, Grouse!
Finn - 2003-02-28 08:23:46
There are 117 elk exactly. Give or take 5. There are 5 Bulls, two of which are a little confused as to gender. There are also 3 Tauntaun's in there somewhere, and probably one of those monsters that hung Luke up by his ankles. Oh, and 1 little red blurry thing that I think is quite possibly some sort of weapon being deployed against this herd by a rival herd. But that's just my guess.
Melissa - 2003-02-28 10:27:16
*laughing her head off at Finn's response*
Joanna - 2003-02-28 17:48:36
Okay, I stopped counting after I got three different totals. Please, never again do something like this to me. And tell us the exact number. Because it will bother me for life.
Mayhem - 2003-02-28 21:00:40
Alright ... I cheated ... sort of. I pulled it into Photoshop and zoomed in. Still could be wrong!
Melissa - 2003-02-28 22:00:23
Well, as I mentioned above, I got 128, same as you Mayhem, so I'm guessing we're pretty close, if not right on. I didn't zoom in (wouldn't that make everything all pixelated and more difficult to see anyway?), but I did put a little mark on each one as I counted them (too confusing otherwise!). Grouse, please tell us what you got. I'm very curious.
Lorinda - 2003-03-02 04:17:09
Hey! How'd you do that? I've been working on my web site, trying to get my pictures to open in an appropriately sized window and haven't been able to find the code. Nice picture, too, of course.
Mayhem - 2003-03-02 11:30:24
Melissa, zoomed to 175 on a manual setting. 200 make a really interesting Rohrchack blob. Think my eyes are getting old. Then again did it as a clear count and not with markers on bodies. Still don't think I want to be able to sex elk from a photo!

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