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blizzard warnings - 13:52 , 03 October 2013

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19 December 2002 - 18:43

double rubies (for real, this time)

The first order of business at the meeting last Thursday was presentation of the plaque and pins for 25 years of service to the outfit. The presenter mentioned that this individual was probably unique, in that he has served all 25 years in the same job, in the same duty station.

As I walked over to take the plaque, I took a quick look at the state's 25-year pin. And was briefly flashed by not one, but two points of bright red. My comment?

Wow. Double rubies.

Boss insisted the pins be passed around, but they're hardly unseen here. Two in the room have their own, and one, the boss's boss, is getting close. But I have been in this region the longest. The civilian commission that oversees our outfit used to insist on presenting all service awards 25 years or greater at their monthly meetings. Usually meant a day's drive across the state, and waiting several hours for your 30 seconds of fame on the agenda, along with posing for photos, and then out you go.

This was better.

Shortly after the real meeting got started, so did "Show and Tell."

That's my warden's name for it, not mine. He was kicking himself as we drove up to the meeting because he forgot to bring along his newest handgun. But never fear, one of the others brought his newest toy, so as the meeting progressed, it made its way around the room, each taking it out of the case and testing its fit and balance.

At your meetings, do people expend considerable time debating the finer points of the stopping power of different weight and caliber bullets? As in, which will kill or knock down the most efficiently?

They do at ours.

There was an inside reference as to which warden was running around the countryside without lights on in order to avoid deputy sheriffs, but I'm not in on the joke.

The biologist seated next to me is relatively new to our group (less than a year here, I believe), and happens to share my first name. Lots of problems with folks mentioning the name, looking in our direction, and then having to specify which one they meant. Haven't had that kind of problem since Miss Rahm in the third grade.

My namesake noticed the middle initial on the plaque, and asked my middle name. Turns out his is the same. He thought that was remarkable, but I've met others with the same first and middle. I pointed out how nicely the combination would roll of the tongue of an exasperated mother. It's kind of a natural combination.

Discussion was had on the upcoming session of our legislature. We have a civilian legislature, which meets only for 40 days during the winter. Legislation is therefore passed quickly, with little warning to the public. Just a whirlwind of activity, and then we citizens get to sit back and see what they've done to us this year. Reference was made to the impending "forty days and forty nights."

One of the legislative topics was disposition of restitution monies for wildlife violations. In addition to fines, judges occassionally will charge poachers for the dollar value of the animals they stole from the state. Problem is, none of that restitution money ever goes back to wildlife. I commented on how fines were handled quite a few years ago, with an affirmative from one of the more senior members at the table.

Remark from across the table was that this was a "Double Ruby" comment. Something only old timers would know.

Considerable discussion on the status of the wolf program in our state. A few of the remarks that were made in the process:

"They created a real shitstorm."

"We're in a giant leg lifting contest, but we're pissing on ourselves."

"I guess they pulled that out of some orifice."

In the course of the meeting, there were more than a few comments about old timers making "double ruby" observations.

After the meeting, and the obligatory one on one visits throughout the office, my warden and I were finally ready to leave after dark. After the office had emptied. Only ones left were two other out-of-towners, one of which originated the "Double Ruby" declaration.

After their parting goodbyes, I tried starting the truck.

No go.

As in, some idiot left the headlights on all day. And no one left around except one guy leaving the yard.

On a bicycle. He was no help. No battery on those things.

So, a cell phone call to the nearest known unit.

You guessed it. The warden who initiated the "double ruby" comments. After he came back and jumped us, I beat him to the punch by pointing out that leaving the headlights on was another"double ruby" moment.

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