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14 August 2002 - 00:26

Perseid wings

I slipped into our backyard a little after midnight, leaning back against the west wall of the house, watching the western sky. Listening to the semis on the Interstate and the fan in the bedroom window.

The masked heeler abandoned my senseless search, and joined her sister and Mom on the porch. Wasn't long before I heard their collars jingling inside the house.

Saw the first Perseid almost right away, crossing a quarter of the sky with a fast, thin streak.

The second was faster, shorter and lighter, barely there at all. A needle scratching the sky.

The third and last was directly above, bright and slow. Yes, I know it was probably just at a steeper angle, but it looked bright and short.

Then nothing.

Three meteors in 12 minutes. Got work to do tomorrow, and called it a night. As I closed the backyard gate, and prepared to enter the brightly lit urban front lawn beyond the spruce trees, I gave the heavens one last look.

And saw a couple stars wink out, and then come back again.

A close stare spotted faint grey wings, nearly blended into the night sky, gliding silently above me and the spruces, having passed over our house.

An owl. Perhaps one of our owls.

And just like that, it was gone in the darkness.

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