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31 October 2006 - 23:58

heeler hallowe'en


Twelve Trick-or-Treaters.

Of course, the first two were teenaged females dressed as vampires. In costumes almost worthy of Victoria Frances, so that was good.

They came at 17:23. I had just started an entry here, an entry which will never exist, now (basically wishing all a fine Samhain, which is kinda silly now with two minutes left). Because if the Treaters were starting to arrive, someone needed to carve the jack o'lanterns.

And the only ones here were me and the heelers.

Heelers ain't got much use for vegetables. Cooked or carved. So it fell to me.

Now, mind you, I had already gutted said vegetables the hour before. The wife had bought us an experimental white pumpkin, and a typical orange one.

So, with vampires already at the door, the carving jobs were quick and crude. A rather typical face for the typical pumpkin...

And a classic vampire on the pale-faced one (it seemed appropriate).

By 17:52 we were ready.

Now, normally the two heeler sisters spend Hallowe'en locked in the bedroom. Barking at all the knocks at the door. But since the two early vampiresses caught me unaware, they were there to greet the two young ladies.

And behaved themselves just fine, politely circling the strange apparitions on the porch.

So, they got to stay out in the living room. And greet all the rest of the ghouls.

Their first real Hallowe'en.

Which they seemed to realize was a pretty good deal. You knock on somebody's door, and they just give you food!

How can you beat a deal like that?

The little masked one seemed a little concerned we were handing out handfuls of candy that included some of her precious Smarties.

But she has four huge bags of her own to tide her through the year, so she needn't have worried.

Then she stepped out onto the porch and looked at the other houses that were being visited.

"You mean, they get food at every house?"

"And this has been happening every year, and you didn't tell us?"

The masked heeler also stood out on the porch, listening wistfully as a pair of youngsters worked their way down the street (parent in excort in the SUV... it was cold out there). I assume dreaming about what treats they may be finding out there (Antylope brains, perhaps?).

Later, after the after-party "rush" of Trick-or-Treaters had ended, the heelers got their own play break. Complete with lights.

Not Trick-or_treating, true, but they had fun.

And, thanks to eldest son, they found Smarties sprinkled on their dinners.

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