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blizzard warnings - 13:52 , 03 October 2013

heelerless - 21:32 , 18 August 2013

Red Coat Inn in Fort McLeod - 11:38 , 23 June 2013

rushing into the waters - 09:53 , 21 June 2013

choosing a spot - 17:43 , 27 April 2013

18 November 2005 - 23:58


It's not new. But it's eight years younger than the old one. If we weren't paying for a mortgage and college, we might have tried for a newer one, with the wider wheel base, but for now, this is the best we can do.

It's got 63,400 miles on it, and we paid $1500 over book. And it's probably worth it.

It's had only one owner, someone we know (although he doesn't know we're the ones buying it). You even know him too, if you've been reading here much.

It's here now. Even though we can't finish the loan papers until Monday. Yeah, the dealer let us take it home. He knows us, we know him. That's how things work here. He knows he'll get his money.

Feels weird to ride in one that hasn't had the insides chewed apart by heeler puppies. One where the seats and panels aren't held together with duct tape.

Oh, and it's red.

Or, as the wife called it... "Anti-green."

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