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09 January 2005 - 23:32

back to school

Well, youngest son is planted firmly back in University Town, ready for another semester.

Sans wheels.

He says he'll be able to survive without a car, but obviously doesn't want to. Never seen him as depressed as he was yesterday, as we drove back and got him moved in.

Yes, part of it was the mere two hours of sleep he had the night before. I thought the rest was the loss of freedom from losing his little red Subaru. But I was wrong.

Through high school his social life consisted of a tight-knit group of friends, most associated with the jazz band. This continued through last semester, even though many remained behind with real jobs, and only three went on to college. And a couple are still in high school.

We knew youngest son was helping a friend pack for a move to Arizona on Friday, to attend a motorcycle repair school. What we didn't know, we found out about at dinner last night (at Wingers, his choice).

It wasn't just one of his friends that was moving. Three of their small clique have packed up and moved en masse to the warmer, more productive clime of Phoenix.

Including youngest son's best friend. The keeper of his home away from home when he came back here from college. His asylum from the boredom of our home, our community. Fellow traveler and gamesman.


No wonder he was depressed. No wonder he can survive without a car.

There's no one to come home to, now.

Except us, and yes, we're boring.

Us and his heeler.

Although, he did seem to enjoy knocking out the entire Sunday crossword with us at the Village Inn this morning. Which was our second stop of the day at that restaurant, since we were forbidden to wake him. Hence, we ate breakfast on our own, then got his call and got to come right back to watch him eat. Even got the same waitress.

So, he is now finally cut off from his past life at home. Or, mostly so.

Sorta like the rest of the freshmen last term. Now we have to watch out for homesickness.

And, oh yeah, we're $433.88 poorer.

And that's just for the textbooks. Doesn't include the obligatory shopping trip to Wal-Mart and Hastings.

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