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blizzard warnings - 13:52 , 03 October 2013

heelerless - 21:32 , 18 August 2013

Red Coat Inn in Fort McLeod - 11:38 , 23 June 2013

rushing into the waters - 09:53 , 21 June 2013

choosing a spot - 17:43 , 27 April 2013

11 September 2004 - 23:55

freak hunters

There exists out there a class of antelope hunter who seeks out freaks. It doesn't really matter what is odd or unusual about a freak buck's horns, just that he is unique.

Or close to unique. There seem to be some fairly common genetic or environmental factors that keep cropping up, year after year. Like this buck with the "flat" horns.

Think I noticed two with this aberration out of the 707 adult bucks I classified this summer. But within a given hunt area, a given freak is likely to be unique.

For at least a year.

Got one local family that hunted the same horn deformity in bucks in the same small area for several years running. Pretty certainly a genetic variation, and quite a challenge for the family. Foregoing all other bucks in pursuit of just one.

Some years, their tag went unfilled.

'Course, evolution of any changes in pronghorn horns doesn't have much chance of occurring if any atypical male is quickly removed from the breeding pool. Which may be a good thing, or a bad thing. I don't know.

Had at least three different hunting parties after the same freak buck today, just off the highway about ten miles north of my check station. A buck with one normal horn, and the other flat out like this one. Two of them had scouted him separately and confirmed he was in his usual spot a couple days back.

This morning, he's no where to be seen.

I suspect he just hopped across the highway, and is resting peacefully on the other side of the snowfences on the other side of the road.

Not safe, mind you, since the hunting season is on over there, too. But it's been going for a week now and most hunters on that side of the highway have their antelope in the freezer by now and are making plans for deer season.

Plus, no one was scouting him out over there.

I have seen the future of the motor home. Or gypsies, whichever.

It is a fifth-wheel trailer hauled by a semi-tractor, towing an SUV.

This couple just pulled into our pullout for a pitstop, and it was so pleasant to see someone go inside and use a commode, rather than just peeing on the asphalt where we sit all day.

And I also got to see the closest we have to a traffic jam in our community.

Waiting for the landfill to open on a Saturday morning.

And finally, are your heelers getting too spoiled when they both have to have dinner in bed?

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