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blizzard warnings - 13:52 , 03 October 2013

heelerless - 21:32 , 18 August 2013

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26 March 2004 - 23:42

Oklahoma! and an elk in Acapulco


Just got back a little while ago from wife's godson's high school production of Oklahoma!.

He did good. Enjoyable.

But to be honest, I'm pretty sure I nodded off in some of the parts he wasn't in. What can I say? Musicals don't do it for me.

Barely got home in time for the show. Out on the Rim with the sisters, looking for dead elk. New ones. Not new as in fresh, just new as in, we haven't found them before.

Got two. Filled a hole in the map.

Also had it on my agenda to look for a lost elk carcass. One of the wardens got a little careless in recording the UTMs for an elk he found, and by all appearances of the numbers he wrote down, he was down checking elk in Acapulco that day.

So, being anal, I took it upon myself to retrace his route and try to find the misplaced datum.

Found her.

A couple notes to myself on things to mention later:


strutting grouse

And, if you're interested, I went back and replaced the deleted (or, actually, never posted) entry a few days back.

And in other news, it snowed while we were in the play. Not heavy, just enough to require scraping the windshield. Wife says there is supposed to be more on the way, and the sisters and I should plan on sleeping in tomorrow, instead of going out lekking.

Me, I think she just doesn't want to be awoken by my alarm at dark-thirty in the morning on the one morning a week that she doesn't have to get up for anything.

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