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blizzard warnings - 13:52 , 03 October 2013

heelerless - 21:32 , 18 August 2013

Red Coat Inn in Fort McLeod - 11:38 , 23 June 2013

rushing into the waters - 09:53 , 21 June 2013

choosing a spot - 17:43 , 27 April 2013

31 March 2003 - 19:55

trespassers - 22 march 2003

On 3 March, one of the federal biologists gave me a call. A company out in the gas patch had finished drilling their well, and needed to get the well into production. That means running a small, finishing rig, setting up the condensate tanks and pumps, and blading and reclaiming the pit.

Problem was, they were just three-quarters of a mile from a sage grouse lek. And the stipulation against human activity went into effect on 1 March to allow the birds to strut and breed in peace.

I did not comment on the fact that the company waited until three days later to ask permission to stay and work.

As has become our norm, we agreed to let them complete their well, provided they worked outside the strutting period. Basically granting them the daylight hours from 09:00 to 17:00.

Early on 13 March, I stopped by to check that lek, and to see how things were going at the well.

And was surprised to find this.

A full sized drilling rig, not a finishing rig. Drilling away, full steam ahead, making a huge, steady roar, well in the strutting period.

A quick check of the signs placed at each well led to a surprise.

This was not the well that had properly asked permission to finish up their hole. Not even the same company.

This was someone else, drilling away on public land, even closer to the lek than the other well. (Which I found, all properly completed and quiet.)

Kinda doesn't make sense to worry about the noise from road graders and a little finishing rig when this monster is grinding away, almost a third of the way closer to the strutting ground.

A call on the cell phone to the federal biologist confirmed that 1) I know how to read maps and signs, and am not lost, and 2) they have no idea who is drilling this well on public land.

At the Saint Patrick's Day meeting, in the middle of the blizzard, one of the federal bosses pulled me aside to discuss the drilling rig.

Seems they didn't know they were drilling on public land.


Don't they have people paid to look into these things? I mean, I know the gas industry is feeling quite confident with their boys being in the White House, but geez! Shouldn't you know whose land you're drilling on?

Anyway, this federal boss wanted to let me know that they were quite upset with this company. Not so much for the sage grouse, but because they built a road and well pad on public land without permission, and without the required archeological clearances.

And they had taken action.

They sent the company a harsh letter.

Yes, that was her emphasis on "harsh".

Ooooo. A harsh letter from the government. I'll bet they were quaking in their boots.

Anyway, on the 22nd, I had cause to pass that way again. And what do I find?

Rig gone!

Or at least, in the process of being gone!

Could it be? Could I have actually accomplished something out here? Got so excited I called the boss, while sitting right there, to let him know.

I can be effective.



Checked with the feds. Seems the company got the well done. That's why they're leaving. Gotta start drilling someplace else as soon as possible.


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