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30 November 2002 - 18:58

Angel survey

Got this incredibly interesting email from the wife yesterday. Apparently a friend emailed her one of those survey chain emails, and she was passing it along. (Just to let you all know... I always let chain emails die with me. I will not respond, I will not forward. Out of principle. The principle being, I hate those things.) But this was enlightening to me. So here's the questions, and her answers (some editted because she didn't know she might be talking to the world). And no, I don't have her permission for this. Did warn her, though, and she made no bodily threats back. I consider that to be "implied consent."

1. What time is it? 9:50 a.m.

2. Cats or Dogs? Heelers and 1 bird [It's a dove.]

3. Nickname: Sunshine [Now, that was news to me. Been years since I used that nickname for her, and apparently she misses it. Will have to slip it back into our conversations again, but not right away, of course.]

4. Parents' names: [Yeah, I took these out.]

5. What is the number of candles that appeared on your last birthday? 2 [Ohhh, that's devious. She went on to list the two digits that those two candles represented, but her age is none of your business.]

6. Date that you regularly blow them out? [Her B-day, of course. By the way, I have told you mine. Twice.]

7. Hair color: brown

8. Eye Color: brown

9. How much do you love your job on a scale of 1 to 5? 4 assuming 5 is high.

10. Favorite color: green, but not on me.

11. Current Residence: [Same state as me. How about that?]

12. Favorite food: Mexican, Italian and Chinese, and of course dark chocolate!

13. Been out of the USA? Yes, been to Canada several times, almost went to Mexico, but since we weren't prepared, were worried about getting back!

14. Loved somebody so much it hurt? Yes [Need to ask her about this one.]

15. Been in a car accident? Yes, a few, and I'm very thankful to my guardian angel for always being there for me. [Aye, lassy.]

16. Croutons or bacon bits? Yummy, both please

17. Sprite or 7UP? Sprite

18. Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride [Now, this one really threw me. As we went across the parking lot to see Harry Potter again, I asked her. What about The Matrix? Or Lord of the Rings? She says she was in a hurry, and just thought that we never turn away from The Princess Bride when we hit it channel surfing.]

19. Favorite Holiday: Easter, it means Spring is almost here!

20. Favorite day of the week: Saturday (also Friday the 13th)

21. Favorite Restaurant: Carini's in Rapid City SD

22. Favorite Flowers: wild violets and daffodils (defiantly NOT Amaryllis, I'm allergic to them). [Something we learned the hard way, when visiting my folks and my Mom's blooming amaryllis. My Mom still has blooming amaryllis on the dining room table every spring. I sneak up and snip off all the little yellow stamens out off the blossoms, and pitch them outside. Wife is not allergic to castrated amaryllis.]

23. Favorite beverage: Coffee, Kaluha(sp?) & Cream [I think it's 'kahlua", Sunshine.]

24. Favorite sport to watch: Soccer [She also coached soccer.]

25. Who is that last person you got e-mail from before this one? T. D. [A co-worker, female.]

26. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards: a good furniture store [I told you, she wants a new bed.]

27. What do you do most often when you are bored? Watch TV or drive somewhere

28. Name the person you are friends with that lives the farthest away: S.W., Webster Groves, MO

29. Most annoying thing people ask or tell me? When my son is going to get a job.

28. What is your Bedtime: around 11

31. Who will respond the quickest? No clue

32. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond ? No Clue

33. Favorite TV show(s)? C.S.I. (NOT Miami!), Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

34. Last person(s) you went out to dinner with: [me and eldest son]

35. Last movie you saw: all the way through? Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

36. Tattoos or piercing? none

37. Time when you finished: 10:17 a.m. [When I challenged her on wasting 27 minutes of work time, she listed all the office chores she got done while she was working on this survey. I'll shut up now.]


Okay, so I didn't shut up. Pulled the wife down to read this, and she decided it was "okay". Although she did make a fake punch slightly below the midriff when she read the "bodily threats" part.

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