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blizzard warnings - 13:52 , 03 October 2013

heelerless - 21:32 , 18 August 2013

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19 June 2002 - 23:04

small town speeders

Oh, and another story from earlier today that I forgot to relate.

When the police chief and I were visiting by the owlets (the first time), he suddenly stuck his arm out, with fist made, thumb pointing down, and pumped his fist down a couple times.

In our state at least, that is the universal peace officer gesture for "I don't have my radar on, but I know you're speeding, so slow down."

And brake lights suddenly come on on the little white pickup heading east on the other side of the median island. And a hand comes out to wave.

Police chief waves back.

"My son," he says. And goes on to state that his daughter is the one who really has the lead foot. And thinks she's so smart because she knows his habits.

"But I'm going to get her one of these days," he avers.

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