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09 June 2002 - 14:01

diaries, mold and a level

So, no entry yesterday.

No good reason, not really that busy. Even spent several hours on other folks' diaries.

Including two new ones.

Now, I found the first, Violet, because she is the only one listed for Uzbekistan on And from her I went to the second. But it is a small Diaryland world. Who do I find already on the favorites lists for these two diaries? Two of my regular reads, Lio and Jonny.

I need to get out more.

Still check my dland stats every day, but mostly for the referring pages now. Had a curious one yesterday, a Google search for "Lincoln Nebraska sewer line maps". Not sure how in the heck they got referred to this diary, or why they came (twice, even), but who would be searching for sewer line maps of Lincoln?

Presumably the public utilities folks would already have such maps (in fact, they would be the ones I would expect to post such on the web), as should each home owner. So who is planning on digging in Lincoln and thinks they might hit a sewer line?

And why don't they just contact the department of public works and ask?

Have we got terrorists planning an attack on the heartland here?

'Course my other thought is that we've got an outbreak of vampires in Lincoln, and Willow is looking for their lair...

Spent most of yesterday afternoon and evening with my hands immersed on bleach water.

Wife bought several dozen plastic storage bins for the boys to use to clean up their room. Months ago. As an incentive, her godson started packing their stuff up to show them how easy it is.

But he just threw crap into bins until they were full, sealed it, and moved on to the next.

Yesterday youngest son was searching for a belt when he opened one bin. And was repelled from the room.

Seems godson threw in a couple collectible cans of Coca Cola. That were still full. And subsequently punctured by the legos, dinosaurs and Star Wars toys he threw in.

Months of mold. And not just mold. Had some good slime mold going in the bottom.

Gone was youngest son's prize-winning artwork from 4th grade. along with the ribbon. Gone were dozens and dozens of Magic the Gathering cards, including gold rares (the ones actually worth money on the market).

So the wife starts scrubbing toys on the porch with vinegar.

May be safe, but Clorox is faster. So I got to clean the legos, dinosaurs and Star Wars stuff. (Boys were off to a concert in town. Youngest son did not get home until 01:30, after his panicky mother took off to hunt him down. He was right where I said he would be.)

Took hours to clean that stuff.

One of our neighbors stopped by while tending the lawn next door, and visited for a couple hours. He is a little simple, but boy, does he know the gossip in town. And knows everybody's family, friends and history. An enlightening visit.

Heelers charged him as he first walked by, as usual, and then were lovey-dovey while we talked.

When he came walking by a short while later, after moving a sprinkler, they attacked again.

Weird dogs.

Today, when the clan got home for Mass, we were all congregated around the tv in the bedroom. And the wife stared at youngest son and remarked "Look at how tall he is." I sidled over beside him, and pointed out he was wearing shoes.

Which he promptly kicked off.

I swear I was looking straight across at his top eyelids. I had to have at least a half-centimeter on him yet. Wife disagreed.

Stay right here.

Ran downstairs and got the big carpenter's level. And put it across the tops of our heads.

Wife swears the bubble was a little higher on his side. She says he has passed me. I'll have to take her word for it. Should have checked in a mirror.

Happy Father's Day early.

"And he's only 16."

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