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26 September 2001 - 09:29

sleeping heelers

Liosha misses her dog.

And thinks I understand. I do.

As I type this, the masked heeler is snoozing peacefully on the old couch less than a meter to my left. She just finished a dream, complete with foot jerking and nose twitches.

Recently read where scientists had completed a research project that demonstrated that rats (and presumably other animals) dream about past events in their lives.

Well, duhhh!

Anyway, needless to say, the masked heeler is sprawled out on pillows, enjoying her ever desired lumps.

Her sister is curled tightly into a ball (it's a bit nippy here this am, and I still have the windows open) in the recliner two meters to my right, also sleeping soundly. She is a little less depressed about her missing boy these days, but is now quite worried because her Alpha is gone, too.

Wife is off at a training session in Central City for three days. Besides simply missing her, I'm sure the little heeler is worried that the pack is going to disintegrate without its alpha.

Who else knows how to drive the Explorer to the grocery store and hunt for bags of food? Certainly not her Mom, and she's the next female in line in the hierarchy.

Who else knows how to drive up to the McD's window and get two huge bags of food?

Sure, the alpha male tries, but he usually just gets one itty-bitty bag. How can the whole pack live on that? He stupidly uses the green paper to hunt with. The Alpha writes on her pieces of paper before she hands them through the window, and that makes all the difference!

Yes, I'm sure she thinks the pack is in serious trouble.

Their Mom had been sleeping on the floor behind me, but just recently relocated to the other couch, and is currently snoring.

Yes, Lio, I understand.

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