Comments about this entry :

hil - 2007-06-07 08:38:21
Dragonfly wing?
Shawn - 2007-06-07 10:37:41
Snake Skin.
Brian - 2007-06-07 12:05:19
I'd guess Locust wing, but suspect your topsoil isn't deep enough to support them. Maybe horse fly or deer fly? Just looking at that photo from the Pulpit gives me vertigo. Can't fault anyone for wanting to steer clear of the edge.
meredee - 2007-06-07 22:32:28
It has to be a cicada wing, unless you got really close to a leafhopper or treehopper. I don't know of any other insects with closed cells like that on the forewing. It's probably too early for dog-day cicadas to be out and you're too far west for Magicicada, so maybe one of the mountain species?
Denver doug - 2007-06-08 01:00:52
One or the other, I vote for a wing of a flying lightweight creature.

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